Behind the screen: Kristin Fehlauer

Posted August 21, 2019


In this issue: Kristin Fehlauer, Senior Editor & Translator

  • What are the most difficult words to translate?

I believe the trickiest words or phrases to translate are those where the natural expression in the target language requires more information than is available in the source. For instance, I translate from German into English, and we recently translated the phrase “gängige Hersteller” as “major manufacturers.” In English we would normally say “all” or “most” major manufacturers, but the source text didn’t specify. In such a case, you have to speak with someone in the know, do some detective work, or get creative and reword!


  • What is your preferred workspace like?

I absolutely love having a desk that can move up and down. I hate sitting down for too long, so it’s great to be able to stand up and stretch and keep working!


  • What do you like most about your job?

I like the people I work with; it’s a very congenial and non-toxic atmosphere. And I enjoy learning about new things. We work for a lot of different companies and I often have the impression I’m getting a glimpse behind the scenes of everyday life. When I buy frozen Korean dumplings in Munich, how did they get there to the store? What does an aircraft engineer focus on when designing a jet engine? What makes soap lather good (or bad)?


  • Dogs or cats?

I like dogs because they’re so enthusiastic about everything, but I understand cats better—and not having to walk a cat at 6am on a snowy Saturday morning in winter is a real plus!


  • Audiobook or paperback?

Usually paperback. I’ll go through phases where I’ll listen to an audiobook, but usually one of a book I’ve already read so I don’t have to pay too much attention. Then I can have it on in the background. If I’m reading something new, I like to have a pencil in hand so I can write notes to myself in the margins.


  • Tea or coffee?

Coffee most of the time, but tea with honey and lemon when I’m sick.




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